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6 months ago
What a sex God! Too bad he didn"t do any man to man porn. Solo is getting pretty boring for me.
9 months ago
Delicioso Ele Eu Desejo
10 months ago
Unfortunately, the still machism Latin ameican mind does not "allow" the beauty of a male body and it is still seen as a "Sin" and dirty. Poor those minds that don"t want to advance.
10 months ago
In fact there was some sort of scandal in the Peruvian bodybuilding community when it was found out that he was doing this extra "work" on the side of pro bodybuilding for him to get some extra money. Some journalists brought the topic of how many of these guys were doing it because sometimes this was giving them more money that what they would get on contests, because only the winners would get something, if anything. But the porn industry was always ready to pick whoever wanted to try it. I"m glad that he did, because he"s freakin" hot. And good looking.
1 year ago
Why top? Has he done man/man porn?
2 years ago
He is incredible. Wish there was more videos of him!
2 years ago
2 years ago
His real name is César Quispe
2 years ago
He"s not "Asian", he is a Peruvian bodybuilder. The "Asian" thing was a gimmick to make him look more "exotic".