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Hace 2 meses
I"d love to meet this dude!!!
Hace 5 meses
eddy is so fekkin" hot...all that hair! BUT.. geez, he does not talk or show any emotion. WTF???
Hace 5 meses
I love to watch him get fucked.
Hace 6 meses
wish i, a TOP trans, had a hot bottom bf like him.
Hace 7 meses
Such a beautiful man, I wanna marry him!!!
Hace 8 meses
Ich bin schwul und stehe eigentlich nur auf Schwänze, wenn ich aber dieses geile haarige Bonusloch von Eddie sehr, steht mein Schwanz wie eine Eins, wenn schon bonusloch, dann schön haarig
Hace 10 meses
he"s so hot idgaf!
Hace 10 meses
This is one hot, hairy guy! Love all that hair!! Thank goodness he doesn"t shave his bush off like Noah Way does. Guys are hairy... Gals are not. Now.. if we could just get Eddie to talk and show some emotion while he"s having sex....
Hace 11 meses
he"s so pretty!!
Hace 1 año
More FTM Profile. please!!!!
Hace 1 año
I think he"s very cute.
Hace 1 año
Lovely, I like that he takes the time to cum in his vids, alot of ftm scenes are one sided in favor of the top.
Hace 1 año
The last comment which is uncalled for only indicates to everyone else the negative view of some people. We should remember the performers here are all people with feelings, a nasty comment can stick with you for a very long time , and has the possibility to do long term hard. I know from personal experience
Hace 1 año
Eddie is hot, as are (is?) Noah Way. They have their own unique blend of masc and fem. As I Bi guy, I sometimes think logic should dic(k)tate that Trans (M2F) performers should turn me on - but a guy with breast implants never does. BUT(T) F2M performers get me hard in a heartbeat! Maybe I think about it too much - being Bi is complicated enough!
Hace 1 año
I don"t know why it surprises me, but the hate towards Trans and Bi vids here pisses me off! The queer community is "LGBT+" not "LG-"!! Fuck you haters. We are all entitled to express ourselves, but it does not need to take the form of HATE - we get enough of that from the non-queer world. If you don"t like a video or a performer, DON"T CLICK ON IT!
Hace 1 año
FTM is my new favorite!
Hace 1 año
Domestic long haired pussy! 😍
Hace 1 año
very handsome guy!
Hace 1 año
i want MORE FTM profile.. please!!!!
Hace 1 año
Super hot 🔥
Hace 1 año
He manages to look so cute yet so manly. I would GLADLY shoot my load in his tight, hairy pussy.
Hace 1 año
He knows that his bush is the hottest thing that he has 😍
Hace 1 año
Hace 1 año
totally love eddy body hair,pubes ,pits
Hace 1 año
So glad that Eddy has a profile on here now. I am a HUGE fan.