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Hace 4 meses
Splash Shots 1 & The Other Side of Aspen 2 needs to be uploaded.
Hace 1 año
My thoughts are if for nothing else, why not take his videos down just out of respect?
Hace 2 años
I remember his film ‘splash shots’ (1982?) was the first time Falcon released a porn film where the model on the cover, Marshall, was fully clothed.
Hace 2 años
THE blonde bottom of his time. So beautiful it brings a tear to the eye.
Hace 2 años
Kurt is/was one of the few Blondes I would"ve loved to fuck the living shit out of and leave his cheeks leaking with semen. I thought he was adorable, and I don"t particular prefer blondes I like Brunettes more. But he, Leigh Erickson, Jeff Quinn, Jim Bentley, and only 3 or 4 more vintage Blondes did it for me.
Hace 3 años
He was so hot in The Other Side of Aspen II.
Hace 5 años
Yeah, he ded of aids, lile hundres of thousands more. Great nottom
Hace 5 años
Kurt Marshall had less than five movies under his belt?... He could"ve been legendary with a few more movies... A hot, chin dimpled, blonde with a rocking, simply, irresistible bod!!! I strongly recommend watching all his films over and over... A shinning star that dimmed too quickly...
Hace 6 años
Hace 6 años
Hace 7 años
oh and damn sexy.
Hace 7 años
No way. Too bad. He was so ch
Hace 7 años
November 13, 1965 – October 10, 1988 died of "kidney failure due to substance abuse and AIDS". I remember him fondly.
Hace 7 años
I thought it was a car crash
Hace 7 años
Died of a drug overdose years ago I believe.